The "distributed renewable energy" solutions NAE is developing offers "communities, hospitals, shopping centres,  leisure areas, residential/office areas,  transport hubs, car park, construction and manufacturing/industrial sites"  flexible shared hub and network solutions that will enable managing residual waste using micro/small scale "on site" waste technology with significant savings in waste disposal costs while delivering significant alternative energy savings with tailored customer options:
  • Thermal Energy for Space Heating, Air Conditioning or Hot Water
  • Advanced Low Carbon Low NOx Biofuels for Transport/Fleets
  • Clean Hydrogen for Fuel Cell Charging Stations to Electric Vehicle Transport/Fleets or other Residential/Industrial Use
  • On-Site Waste Generated Electricity for  Electric Vehicle Transport/Fleets or other Residential/Industrial Use  
  • Export of Surplus Generated Electricity or Thermal Energy to Grid or Local Community 
These local distributed network solutions will not only enable significant waste and energy cost and efficiency savings for residential, industrial, public or civic customers but with the pressure upon the wider electricity grid due to increase rapidly in future with accelerating intense charging demands from Electric Vehicles and Variability in supply from the increasing share of Renewable Electricity such as from Wind/Solar these solutions will enable customers to achieve a reliability and security of supply.  

Our energy efficient solutions will also achieve "Sustainability and Clean Air Objectives" with Low or Virtually Zero Carbon Emissions and Avoided Air Pollution from transport of waste and alternative waste disposal options such as landfill.